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Hello, I Am

Dr. Raj Krishna Mondal

Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics

More Info About Me

To be honest towards my work and to achieve a position in industry and research world to utilize my skills and abilities in a renowned organization that allows me to expand upon my knowledge and skills by contributing in the best way and offers security and growth while being resourceful, innovative, and flexible.

Areas of Interest

Data Science Machine Learning Deep Learning Generative AI Agentic AI Natural Language Processing Prompt Engineering Big Data Soft Computing Qualitative Research Fuzzy Set Theory Complex Decision Making

Personal Informations

Father's Name: Mr. Ramkrishna Mandal
Mother's Name: Ms. Jharna Mondal
rajkrishna.math@gmail.com, rajkrishna.mondal@infiniteanalytics.com

Computer Skills

Programming Language

C, C++



Power BI
Typeset Software

Microsoft Office

Operating Platform

Microsoft Windows

Majilapore Birendra Vidyapith

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

Marks Obtained: 79.75%
Higher Secondary
Contai Model Institution

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education

Marks Obtained: 79.40%
B. Sc.
Surendranath College

Calcutta University

Mathematics Hons.
Marks Obtained: 61.25%
M. Sc.
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad

Teliarganj, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211004, India

Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Marks Obtained: 7.62 out of 10
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad

Teliarganj, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211004, India

Computational Mathematics
Thesis Title: “A study on Design and Development of Soft Computing Diagnostic information system in Medical Science”

Deep Learning Specialization

Natural Language Processing Specialization

Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch

Generative AI with Large Language Models

Big Data Specialization

Short Courses on Generative AI

on DeepLearning.AI Short Courses

Publications, attended conferences and workshops

Fuzzy Utility Matrix-Based Intelligent Decision-Making Model and Its Application to Diet Recommendation System for Metabolic Disorder Patients
Rajkrishna Mondal and Pankaj Srivastava
International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA)

Vol. 11(1) (pp. 1-22), IGI Global

Design and Development of Intelligent Information System using Hesitant Fuzzy Weighting Linguistic Term Sets for Computing with Words
Pankaj Srivastava and Rajkrishna Mondal
Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches for Tourism, Agriculture and Healthcare

Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems(LNNS), volume 214(pp. 195–207), Springer

QUALIFLEX based ranking system by using Interval Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Set and its application to rank the Diabetic patients
Pankaj Srivastava and Rajkrishna Mondal
2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS 2021)

(pp.78-85), IEEE

Design and Development of an Intelligent System to Assess Kidney Performances of Persons Suffering from Diabetes
Pankaj Srivastava and Rajkrishna Mondal
International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, and Applied Sciences and Technologies

Vol. 12(4), (pp. 12A4A:1-14), TuEngr Group

A Hesitant Fuzzy Envelope Based Expert System in Human Decision Making
Pankaj Srivastava and Rajkrishna Mondal
Nepal Journal of Mathematical Sciences

Vol. 2(1)(pp. 1-6) ISSN: 2738-9928 (online),(pp. 2738-9812 print), NepJOL

Diabetes Diagnostic Intelligent Information System
Pankaj Srivastava and Rajkrishna Mondal
TEST Engineering and Management

Vol. 82: Jan/Feb 2020 (pp. 14455-4467), The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc

A Medical Diagnostic Information System with Computing with Words Using Hesitant Fuzzy Sets
Rajkrishna Mondal, Akshay Verma and Pushpendra Kumar Gupta
Advances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing

(pp. 971–980), Springer

Neural based energy-efficient stable clustering for multilevel heterogeneous WSNs
Akshay Verma, Rajkrishna Mondal, Prateek Gupta and Arvind Kumar
2018 First International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communication (ICSCCC)

(pp. 208-212), IEEE

25-27 Jun, 2021
24th FAI International Conference on Global Trends of Data Analytics in Business Management, Social Sciences, Medical Sciences and Decision making(24th FAI-ICDBSMD 2021)
Presented paper Title: Fuzzy Utility Matrix based Intelligent Decision-Making Mathematical model and its application in Diet recommendation system for Metabolic Disorders patient

Organized by FATER Academy of India; Institute of Technology, Gopeshwar and UNIFACVEST – University Center, Brazil

19-20 Feb, 2021
International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems(ICCCIS-2021)
Presented paper Title: QUALIFLEX based ranking system by using Interval Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Set and its application to rank the Diabetic patients

Organized by Sharda University, Greater Noida, India

IEEE Conference Record 51004; ISBN No.: 978-1-7281-8529-3

14 Mar, 2020
International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Multidisciplinary Research (ICRTIMR-2020)
Presented paper Title: Diabetes Diagnostic Intelligent Information System

Organized by IEC University, Baddi, H.P., India

Jointly organized by Globally Multidisciplinary Research and Education Association (GMREA)

21-23 Dec,2019
International Conference on Engineering, Mathematical and Computational Intelligence (ICEMCI-2019)
Presented paper Title: Design and Development of Intelligent Information System using Hesitant Fuzzy Weighting Linguistic Term Sets for Computing with Words

Organized by Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India in association with FATER Academy of India and Walchand Engineering College, Sangli, Maharashtra, India

16-17 Nov, 2019
Conference on Modern Analysis and Applications – An International Meet (CMAA -2019)
(67th Annual Conference of Bharat Ganita Parishad)
Presented paper Title: Intelligent Diet Recommendation System for Metabolic Disorders Patient

Organized by The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow 226028 (Uttar Pradesh), India in collaboration with Bharat Ganita Parishad, Lucknow, India

15-16 Apr, 2019
National Conference on Recent Trends in Devices, Circuits and Communication(RTDC2 -2019)
Presented paper Title: A Hesitant Fuzzy based expert system in Human Decision making

Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, UP, India

29 Nov-1 Dec, 2018
International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing(VCAS 2018)
Presented paper Title: A Medical diagnostic information system with Computing with Words using Hesitant Fuzzy Sets

Organized by ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India

24-25 Mar, 2018
International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences (ICRTMS-2018)
Presented paper Title: Application of Hesitant Fuzzy Set for multi-criteria decision making Soft Computing Model in Diabetes Diagnostics

Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Maharaja Bir Bikram Univesity, Tripura, India in collaboration with Tripura Mathematical Society, Tripura, India

27-28 May, 2021
II International Scientific Internet Conference on ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF PHYSICAL CULTURE, SPORTS AND HEALTH

Jointly organized by The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

07-08 Sept, 2019
Machine Learning Workshop

Organized by Kyrion Technologies Pvt. Ltd. at IIIT Allahabad

01-05 Apr, 2019
Application of MATLAB in Science and Technology (AMST -2019)

Jointly organized by Department of Physics, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India and Electrical Engineering Department, KNIT Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

6-10 Jun, 2018
National Instructional Workshop on Cryptology

Organized by Department of Mathematics, MNNIT Allahabad in collaboration with Cryptology Research Society of India

11-15 Dec, 2017
Fuzzy Techniques for Intelligent Decision Making

Organized by IIT Patna in collaboration with Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN)

7-11 Aug, 2017
Big Data

Organized by IIT Kanpur in collaboration with Knowledge Incubation for TEQIP

29 May -2 Jun, 2017
Data Analytics and Machine Learning with R (DAMLR-17)

Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India

1-7 Dec, 2016
Application of MATLAB in Science, Technology and Management (AMSTM-2016)

Organized by School of Management studies and Dapartment of Mathematics, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India

19-23 Oct, 2016
Role of Mathematical Sciences in Engineering and Technology (RMSET-16)

Organized by Department of Mathematics, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, India

8-26 Jun, 2015
Summer Program in Mathematics (SPIM 2015)

Organized by Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Prayagraj, India

My Hobbies and Interests






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Mathematics behind Data Science

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Police Station- Contai (Junput Coastal),
Dist- Purba Medinipur, West Bengal-721450,
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